Rome, London (January 28th 2020). Polytems HIR Corporate Access (“Polytems”), a company with twenty-one years as a trusted adviser to middle-market companies, active in the Investor Relations and Corporate Communications services, is pleased to host today the 4th Annual Polytems Hir Investor Day in Frankfurt, the investor conference dedicated to small and medium Italian firms in Frankfurt. The event has been co-organized with Alantra, the independent global Investment Bank and Asset Managers, providing a leading independent financial advisory to the global midmarket companies and institutions.
It is a one day conference with primary Italian Companies in a series of both one-on-one and small group meetings – 133 meetings scheduled in total. The Italian Conference is attended by institutional investors from Germany, both Mutual Funds, Banks, Family Offices and Asset Managers. The 13th Italian listed companies attending are: ANTARES VISION (Industrial Goods & Services) ARNOLDO MONDADORI (Media & Publishing) EL.EN. (Medical devices), ENAV (Italian Air Navigation Service Provider) EUROTECH (Technology), FIERA DI MILANO (Exibition & Congress Management) INDEL B (Mobile Refrigeration Industry), INTERPUMP (Idraulics and water jetting) INTRED (Telecom) IREN (Utilities) REPLY (Technology) UNIEURO (Consumer services) ZIGNAGO VETRO (Industrial Glass Production).
Dr. Andrea Esteban Samà, Italian General Consul in Frankfurt, opened the Investor Conference underlying the importance of Italian-German economic relations and the numerous opportunities that Italy offers to German investors.
Commenting on the event, Bianca Fersini-Mastelloni, Polytems CEO, said “We are delighted to have organized the 4th Annual Polytems Investor Day in Frankfurt, an international conference in the largest financial centre in continental Europe. Over time this investor conference is becoming a benchmark of the German financial community that participates more and more numerous as well as a recurring opportunity for Italian companies to interact with the German investors. Our Company goal is always to help the Italian firms to get a constant attention from investors, in Italy and abroad. We push our customers to see around the corner pushing boundaries of the financial markets, meeting with international investors in order to increase their shareholder base and their visibility. This year 13 companies as well as more investors attended the Conference. We have registered 30 investors and have been organized 133 meetings. Our relationship and joint forces with Alantra were really smooth and extremely productive. We hope to continue to strengthen this fruitful cooperation in the future”.
Patrizia Rossi, Managing Director at Alantra said “We have always been fully committed to provide a top quality activity of Corporate Broking to our corporates in the middle market, giving to the companies the best opportunities to meet investors interested in their equity story and strategies.”.