The requirement to communicate financial information to our investors has not changed much over the years, however, the way we communicate has. Regulatory requirements, investor needs and the tools we use to distribute and communicate our messages continues to evolve and lead to new and improved methods of communicating financial information.
What does this mean for you? Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I need to refocus the content or redesign my presentations?
- Why are earnings news releases getting shorter?
Should you provide supplemental information on your website prior to the earnings call?
Why is the balance shifting towards more Q&A in earnings conference calls?
Should you using accompanying slides during the earnings conference call?
How you should utilize social media and what are the traps?
This informative will provide you with the drivers behind the latest trends in communicating to the investment community and will help you to address the challenges investor relations professionals face when planning their investor relations strategy.
Source: NIRI