In 2014, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued a reclassification of Corporate Access which restricts asset managers from using client money to pay brokers to arrange meetings with company management. All companies marketing to UK investors are affected by this, regardless of their geographic location. With similar regulatory moves being made in Europe and Asia ad a review being made by the SEC now is a good time to drill down on the response of the investment community to the changing face of corporate access. Is it still purely a remit for investment banks or are independent providers an alternate source? How can you avoid conflicts of interest? What role does technology play and how can you ensure optimal access to investors going forward?
- Must become more cognizant of the FCA ruling and its implications when planning an NDR to the UK
- Has the FCA’s ruling changed the corporate access business model and where is it heading?
- Need innovative approaches to conducting international roadshows.

Bianca Fersini Mastelloni is Chairman and CEO of Polytems HIR. She is a seasoned consultant in Corporate Communication with extensive experience for over 35 years. Since 1999 she is active in Investor Relations and Financial Communication for companies listed on the major financial markets. Bianca provides strategic IR, corporate access in Italy, Europe, USA, investor’s market intelligence, profiling investors, critical communication and reputation. A scholar of issues pertaining to Communications and Investor Relations. Bianca studied at SUNY – State University of New York, Buffalo and at Boston University, Boston, and she works as lecturer with some Italian University.
Bianca is author of the book Investor Relations ed Etica , Efficacia e Vantaggi Competitivi - edited from Guerini e Associati - as of as several articles about Investor Relations and financial communication.
Bianca has been selected as the most influential CEO 2023 in Italy for Investor Relations and Financial Communications by CEO Monthly, the international publisher of AI Global Media.